⭐️ *The Iconic Link Metal, a stylish Rose gold watch in the size 36 mm. Featuring silver accents on the hands and markers of the dial to seamlessly match the shiny surface of the metal links.* ⭐️ ➡️ Daniel Wellington ➡️Unisex Collection ➡️7AA Premium Collection *(Next to Original)* ➡️Dial Size -Unisex-36mm ➡️ *FEATURES* ⬅️ ➡️12 Hour analog ➡️Neat Black dial ➡️Butterfly pin lock metal belt ➡️Full silver metal Belt ➡️Adjustable Belt according to size ➡️Solid back steel with proper name branding ➡️Original butterfly lock ?* QUARTZ OPERATING MACHINERY WITH 3 Months WARRANTY * ? * ?FREE ORIGINAL BOX WITH WATCH included ?-Carry Bag , a booklet and a protective original box etc.* ⬅